The library - in English

Information about the library and it's services in English

All welcome

Everybody is welcome to use Hjørring Libraries, but in order to lend materials, you need to be a registered user at the library.
As a registrered user you have access to all branches of Hjørring Libraries.

Create library user

Lav en profil for:

Adult Child


In order to register as a user, you must be 18 years of age or older.
You must also have read and accepted our regulations and rates and be informed about how we process your personal data in our privacy policy.

Create user via MitID

Children and young people under the age of 18

Children and young people under 18 can be created in three ways:

  • Create via MitID

Creation digitally with MitID login of children and young people under 18 from parents/guardians.

Create user via MitID

Print og udfyld forældretilladelse

Print and fill in parent permission

Printing and filling in the form "Tilladelse til lånerkort" (the form is in danish). 
The filled in form should be turned in to the library along with ID.

Print and fill in parent permission

Personal attendance

Personal attendance

Children and young people under 18 can be registered as users, by personal attendance together with parents/guardian. Remember ID.

Opening hours for the libraries

Libraray  card for those who do not live permanently in Denmark

Persons with permanent residence outside Denmark and persons without a yellow health card can be issued a library card on presentation of valid identification (ie. passport, White Card or similar).

The loan card is personal

Those registered for the Danish Civil Registration System (CPR) use their health card as a library card.
Take care of your library card - You are responsible for the materials borrowed on your card.